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"Avan Avan Sootha Avan dhan Kazhuvikkanum, Apporam Matthavan Sootha Kazhuvikkalam"
La serie de verificación de hechos continúa:
Compartimos los lÃderes de Estados Unidos en tasas de encarcelamiento no solo en el mundo desarrollado, sino también en el mundo en desarrollo.
¿Qué más?
Estados Unidos lidera la propiedad de armas con una disparidad de riqueza incluso allá; El 3% de los propietarios posee alrededor del 50% de las armas.
Veremos hechos de liderazgo más interesantes a continuación:
Según la encuesta de la OMS realizada durante la última década, los Estados Unidos son lÃderes mundiales en el uso de drogas ilegales. Esta información de liderazgo fue tomada antes de la discusión sobre la legalización de la marihuana.
Estados Unidos lidera las muertes por sobredosis de drogas.
Según el estado del informe mundial de las madres, EE. UU. Ocupó el puesto 33 entre los 179 paÃses encuestados en lo que respecta al bienestar y la salud materna de los niños, a pesar del puesto número 1 en gasto en atención médica, muy por delante de cualquier otro paÃs en términos de gasto total y per cápita en asistencia médica.
Según UNICEF, Estados Unidos ocupa el puesto uno de los últimos en el mundo desarrollado en términos de bienestar de los niños.
EE. UU. También es lÃder mundial en pobreza infantil, mortalidad infantil y número de niños que no toman desayuno, mientras que (según los datos de la Reserva Federal 2014), "el 3% de las familias más ricas de EE. UU. Posee más del doble de la riqueza del paÃs. el 90% más pobre de las familias ".
Veremos muchos más datos interesantes en todo el mundo de forma regular aquÃ, y también en varias secciones.
Este conjunto de datos es un gran ejemplo que se alinea con el gran kural de Srinivasan Acharya, que ya no existe,
"Avan Avan Sootha Avan Kazhuvikkanum, Apporam Matthavan Sootha Kazhuvikkalam"
This is brought to you by our teams - GEM and ComeMummy, ComeDaddy, ComeMummyDaddy
Bottom line: It has become all about power, and how to make money the fastest way possible, and hence, inflation and convoluted means have become the name of the game.
This discussion takes me to an interesting quote,
"A politician … is a man who thinks of the next election; while the statesman thinks of the next generation."
James Freeman Clarke
"Wanted, a Statesman!", Old and New magazine, December 1870
Even in this Google age, it makes us wonder how appropriate a 148 year old quote still is, and irrespective of what technology we have, current happenings suggest that intrinsic human traits will always supersede any technological advancement.
Related Link:
Fact check series continues:
Is the below video a representation of the reality? Though the numbers stated in the video need not be accurate, those are real concerns.
We shared US leading in Incarceration rates in not only the developed world, but also in the developing world.
What else?
US leads in gun ownership with wealth disparity even over there; 3% of owners own around 50% of the guns.
We will see more interesting leadership facts below:
As per WHO survey conducted during the last decade, US led the world in Illegal drug use. This leadership data was taken before the initiation of discussion on legalization of marijuana.
US leads in drug overdose deaths.
According to state of world's mothers' report, US was ranked 33rd out of 179 surveyed countries when it comes to children's well being and maternal health, in spite ranking #1 in health care spending, way ahead of any other country out there in terms of total and per capita health care spending.
According to UNICEF, US is ranked one of the last in the developed world in terms of well-being of children.
As per data out there, US is also a world leader in childhood poverty, infant mortality, and number of children who go without breakfast, while (as per Federal Reserve 2014 data), "the richest 3% of families in the US possess more than double the wealth of the poorest 90% of the families".
We will see many more such interesting facts around the globe on a regular basis here, and also in various sections.
This data set presented above aligns in line with the great kural of Srinivasan Acharya, who is no more,
Is the below video a representation of the reality? Though the numbers stated in the video need not be accurate, those are real concerns.
We shared US leading in Incarceration rates in not only the developed world, but also in the developing world.
What else?
US leads in gun ownership with wealth disparity even over there; 3% of owners own around 50% of the guns.
We will see more interesting leadership facts below:
As per WHO survey conducted during the last decade, US led the world in Illegal drug use. This leadership data was taken before the initiation of discussion on legalization of marijuana.
US leads in drug overdose deaths.
According to state of world's mothers' report, US was ranked 33rd out of 179 surveyed countries when it comes to children's well being and maternal health, in spite ranking #1 in health care spending, way ahead of any other country out there in terms of total and per capita health care spending.
According to UNICEF, US is ranked one of the last in the developed world in terms of well-being of children.
As per data out there, US is also a world leader in childhood poverty, infant mortality, and number of children who go without breakfast, while (as per Federal Reserve 2014 data), "the richest 3% of families in the US possess more than double the wealth of the poorest 90% of the families".
We will see many more such interesting facts around the globe on a regular basis here, and also in various sections.
This data set presented above aligns in line with the great kural of Srinivasan Acharya, who is no more,
"Avan Avan Sootha Avan dhan Kazhuvikkanum, Apporam Matthavan Sootha Kazhuvikkalam"
La serie de verificación de hechos continúa:
Compartimos los lÃderes de Estados Unidos en tasas de encarcelamiento no solo en el mundo desarrollado, sino también en el mundo en desarrollo.
¿Qué más?
Estados Unidos lidera la propiedad de armas con una disparidad de riqueza incluso allá; El 3% de los propietarios posee alrededor del 50% de las armas.
Veremos hechos de liderazgo más interesantes a continuación:
Según la encuesta de la OMS realizada durante la última década, los Estados Unidos son lÃderes mundiales en el uso de drogas ilegales. Esta información de liderazgo fue tomada antes de la discusión sobre la legalización de la marihuana.
Estados Unidos lidera las muertes por sobredosis de drogas.
Según el estado del informe mundial de las madres, EE. UU. Ocupó el puesto 33 entre los 179 paÃses encuestados en lo que respecta al bienestar y la salud materna de los niños, a pesar del puesto número 1 en gasto en atención médica, muy por delante de cualquier otro paÃs en términos de gasto total y per cápita en asistencia médica.
Según UNICEF, Estados Unidos ocupa el puesto uno de los últimos en el mundo desarrollado en términos de bienestar de los niños.
EE. UU. También es lÃder mundial en pobreza infantil, mortalidad infantil y número de niños que no toman desayuno, mientras que (según los datos de la Reserva Federal 2014), "el 3% de las familias más ricas de EE. UU. Posee más del doble de la riqueza del paÃs. el 90% más pobre de las familias ".
Veremos muchos más datos interesantes en todo el mundo de forma regular aquÃ, y también en varias secciones.
Este conjunto de datos es un gran ejemplo que se alinea con el gran kural de Srinivasan Acharya, que ya no existe,
"Avan Avan Sootha Avan Kazhuvikkanum, Apporam Matthavan Sootha Kazhuvikkalam"
This is brought to you by our teams - GEM and ComeMummy, ComeDaddy, ComeMummyDaddy
Politics and Reality - We will do a complete fact check on the numbers shared in this video. But, for sure, US is number one in the number of incarcerated citizens per capita and defense spending.
When it comes to comments on liberals and conservatives, current condition of any country does not happen in one day, and does not happen because of any particular group. For that matter, liberals have changed to conservatives, and vice versa over time. What used to be "Red" states have become "Blue"states, and vice versa with time.
When it comes to comments on liberals and conservatives, current condition of any country does not happen in one day, and does not happen because of any particular group. For that matter, liberals have changed to conservatives, and vice versa over time. What used to be "Red" states have become "Blue"states, and vice versa with time.
Bottom line: It has become all about power, and how to make money the fastest way possible, and hence, inflation and convoluted means have become the name of the game.
This discussion takes me to an interesting quote,
"A politician … is a man who thinks of the next election; while the statesman thinks of the next generation."
James Freeman Clarke
"Wanted, a Statesman!", Old and New magazine, December 1870
Even in this Google age, it makes us wonder how appropriate a 148 year old quote still is, and irrespective of what technology we have, current happenings suggest that intrinsic human traits will always supersede any technological advancement.
Related Link:
This post is fact-based, and is not an approval for anyone.
If the video owner claims to be affiliated to any individual, or party, that is up to the discretion of that individual. We are not affiliated or connected to any individual/party. This video is from a TV show, and as it is already available on YouTube, we have opted to share that video over here. We are neither connected to the development of this video nor with the YouTube up-loader.
Our goal is to present factual posts with relevant information for the readers to decide.